Saturday, March 5, 2016

What is cooking and why is it important?

What is cooking and why it important?

  •  Cooking is a practice or skill of preparing food by combining, mixing and heating            


  • Cooking is also preparing food in a particular way such as:  boiling, frying, grilling, steaming, 

           roasting or cool cooking.

  • Cooking is the art, technology and craft of preparing food for consumption with the use of heat.

  • Cooking is science! When you cook, you are using; math, chemistry, biology.

           In cooking also involves, Language, literacy, social emotional, physical and cognitive.


        Why is cooking important?

1. It makes connection with children across many disciplines:

 When cooking, you are teaching science, math, reading and time telling skills,

encourages healthy food choices, building confidence and creativity, enhancing

communication and deepening connections with your students.

2. Cooking is a Science:

Seeing the chemical reaction when cooking is a great time to ask questions and test

out results. E.g. when salt is added to food, when baking powder is added to bread

dough or when brown sugar is boiled to syrup.

3. It is Math:

Measuring and adding recipes as you cook involves math. The exposure as the

children cook helps to builds a basic math foundation.

4. Understanding of time: Cooking with children helps them to understand the concept

of time. Setting a timer when you start cooking and when the food is ready, gives the

children an idea of duration certain foods are cooked.

5. Literacy: Reading recipes aloud is an opportunity for children to enrich their

vocabulary through listening to new words. Watching teachers read from left to right,

top to bottom, helps the children understand basic literacy and reading foundation.

6. Healthy food choices: Children look up to adults or their teachers as models to see

what a good food is. Often children are more likely to eat food they have prepared.

Modeling healthy food choices in cooking and preparing meals will help the children

build a healthy attitude towards eating.

7. Confidence:  cooking with preschooler sets them up for success. Creating something

from scratch that they are able to eat and enjoy builds their confidence to try new


8. Creativity:

Cooking is an art and it is a science. The process of tasting and adding new

ingredients or spices is an exciting, creative and important feeling that children are

excited to undertake.

9. Communication: When cooking together, communication takes place, by reading

aloud the recipe, instructing the children steps and directions to follow. The children

learn to communicate instructions based on your modeling as you learn new ways to

explain things for them to understand.

10. Connections:

Working together, reading recipes, measuring, mixing, pouring, are opportunities to

connect with the children. Beyond connection with one another, cooking can connect

across concepts bundling disciplines together.

  E.g:  Did the dish burn? - Understanding time

 Did the bread rise? - Science

How many cups were added? - Math

Was the recipe reads well? -  Literacy

Who Are the Pigs?

Patti Peregoy

Peggy Iyere

Jodi Goodwin

Patti and Peggy are both preschool teachers for 3-5 years old. Jodi is assistant teacher. Together we have 25 years of experience working with children. Patti has a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Degree and Childhood Endorsement. Peggy has a PhD in Education. Jodi has a Bachelors Degree in Home and Family Living with a minor in Professional Preschool Education.

Learning Areas Children Grow From Cooking

Learning Areas Children Grow From Cooking

Young Children encounter Opportunities to develop socially, emotionally, physically, cognitively, and creatively as they cook. Cooking activities also enhance or refine key skills or concepts. (REF 2)

Social and Emotional Development (Ref 2 pg 31)

Developing Self-Confidence

Cooking activities gives children self-confidence by giving them a real hands-on experience to act independently and use "grown-up" materials to create something that they can eat.
  • Give children lots of opportunities to become familiar with cooking materials and procedures. Repeat favorite recipes several times and adding more tasks for children to do independently each time you do them.
  • Mark the measuring cups and spoons with tape so they can visually "measure to the line." When appropriate, pre-cut fruits and vegetables into large pieces to make chopping easier.
  • Keep ingredients in familiar containers so children can recognize them.
  • Children will be able to see that working with others can help reach a goal.

2-3 year oldSet up simple food preparation activities (arranging cheese and crackers or adding toppings like yogurt) so they can work independently and successfully.

4-5 year olds

  • Use more complex recipes and introduce them to new techniques, but one at a time.
  • Offer opportunities for practice toward mastery.

Cooperating and Sharing

Children will learning that working with others can help achieve a goal.
  • Set up the environment where children can choose to work on a task that interest them the most. 
  • If you have food left over come up with ideas of who to share it too.
2-3 year-olds
  • Not ready to share yet, but they may be more willing to if their own needs are met first
  • Offer them snacks if they are hungry. Don't force.
4-5 year-olds
  • Love to share the creation that they made.
  • Talk to them about how others may feel when sharing food with them.

Multicultural Awareness

Food is a great way for children to understand the similarities and differences to different cultures. 

  • Introduce the culture positively
  • Talk about the same and different
  • Talk about which foods are healthy and will help us grow
  • Be careful with stereotyping  say "This is what people eat sometimes" or "This  is what people eat at special occasions
  • Choose foods that can be cooked different ways. (Examples: bread or noodles)
2-3 year olds
  • Begins to develop positive attitudes toward adversity

4-5 year olds 
  • Interested of where foods come from and how to prepare food.   

Physical Development (REF 2 pg 32)

Fine and Gross-Motor Skills

Developing coordination transfers to other important skills such as cutting with scissors and holding pencils
  • Cooking that uses hands-chopping, cutting, rolling dough, etc
2-3 year olds
  • Need lots of practice-repeat the same task. 
4-5 year olds
  • Perform delicate cooking techniques (Crack egg)
Healthy Eating and Nutrition

Healthy foods now will create a habit that can influence their eating patterns for the rest of their lives. 
  • Healthy Recipes 
    • Fresh
    • Whole grain
    • Free from preservatives
  • Children cook or bake food
  • Sharing with neighbors (the cooks)
  • Talk about what makes food healthy 
  • Model
2-3 years olds

Talk about healthy foods and show healthy eating patterns

4-5 year olds

Teach children about what is healthy and not (also a cognitive skill)

Cognitive Development (REF 2 pg 32-33)

Emergent Literacy

Children learn to pictures and words with recipe cards.
  •  Talk about materials and procedures that are being used and how they are changing by mixing ingredients together. 
  • Ask open-ended questions "How do you think...?" "How do you feel...?"
2-3 year olds

Talk about what you are mixing ingredients with.

4-5 year olds

Follow recipe cards. 

 Science Process Skills

Children practice science skills as they observe, investigate, and experiment with the changes in shape, form, texture, and color. 
  • Predict and mix-Use what will happen if...." 
2-3 year olds

Simple changes shakes into a blender or shaking cream into butter

4-5 year olds

Learn about parts of food or parts of grocery store (field trip)

Mathematical Skills

When you cook with children, they learn about matching, sequencing, patterning, sorting, classifying, counting, measuring, graphing, and notices shapes. 
  • Graph which foods they liked better. 
  • Recipe cards
2-3 year olds

Sort two different things or categories. 

4-5 year olds

Multiple step sequencing recipes.

Creative Recipes (REF 2 page 33)

Funny face pancakes or food of themes of what you are talking about in your class.  

Cooking With Children With Special Needs

As you are cooking with children with special needs, remember that each child is their own strengths and weakness. Adapting an cooking activity on their level may be needed so children with disabilities  can build confidence. (REF 2)

REMEMBER that children CAN have allergies. You will need to adapt to them and replace with with something else. An example of this would be to have gluten free tortillas if making quesadillas.  

Ways to adapt: (REF 2 pg 22-23)
  • Include tasks at the child's ability level.
    • If a child with special needs is having a hard time with smaller spoons, the child could stir ingredients together with bigger spoons. 
  • Encourage child to try new tasks.
    • Give partial assistants if needed 
  • Promote working together.
  • Help children interact.
    • Child my need prompts to smile,  look at peers, and say, "can I have a turn." 
  • Remind others to include the child. 
    • Child CAN do things on own
  • Children with learning delays.
    • Most children will have language delays. Be patient and supportive. Repeat phrases.
  • Children with visual disabilities. 
    • Use bigger containers instead of measuring cups. 
    • Feel ingredients containers they come in
    • Feel ingredients as you poor into a bowl so can feel more or less. 
  • Children with hearing loss.
    • Provided limited number of  materials and help children share the materials.
  • A child with physical disabilities.
    • Encourage children to practice using materials before using them in a cooking activity. 
  • Children with behavior disabilities.
    • Aggression
      • Small groups
      • Each child gets own utensils
      • Rules of behavior very clear
    •   Hyperactive 
      • Encourage them to stick with it
    • Withdrawn
      • Tell them what they can do to help.

Fingerplays and Songs

Fingerplays and Songs

Finger plays and songs about food
Apple Poem added 8-8-98 Original Author Unknown
Apples big,
Apples small.
Guess what?
I like them all.

Five Red Apples added 8-8-98 Original Author Unknown
Five red apples hanging in a tree (Hold up five fingers)
The juiciest apples you ever did see.
The wind came by and gave an angry frown (Fingers flutter downward)
And one little apple came tumbling down (One finger falls)
Four red apples, hanging in a tree, etc.

Five Little Apples added 8-8-98 Original Author Unknown
Five little apples hung on a tree
The farmer didn't care
So guess who came to eat?

Four little apples hung on a tree
The farmer didn't care
So guess who came to eat?

Three little apples hung on a tree
The farmer didn't care
So guess who came to eat?

Two little apples hung on a tree
The farmer didn't care
So guess who came to eat?

One little apple hung on a tree
The farmer didn't care
So guess who came to eat?

Now the tree is bare
There are no more apples there
But when next fall comes around
Guess who'll be there?



All Around The Apple Tree added 8-8-98 Original Author Unknown
Sung to: "Mulberry Bush"
Here we go round the apple tree, the apple tree, the apple tree
Here we go around the apple tree
On a frosty morning.
This is the way we climb the ladder
-pick the apples
-wash the apples
-peel the apples
-cook the apples

Climbing Up The Apple Tree added 8-8-98 Original Author Unknown
Climbing up the apple tree, (climb in place)
Swinging on a limb! (Raise arms above head, away left and right)
If I hear a robin, I may (cup hand near ear)
Sing along with him! (sing tra la la)
'And Robin, if you fly away, (Put hands over eyes)
Here's what I think I'll do: (Point with index finger)
I'll wish a pair of sparrow wings (gently flap arms at side and move around)
And fly away with you!

Here Is An Apple added 8-8-98 Original Author Unknown
(make circle with thumb and pointer) Here is an apple
(make circle with other thumb and pointer) and here is an apple
(Make circle with arms) and a great big apple I see
Now let's count the apples we've made
(repeat above actions) 1 - 2 - 3 !

Ten Red Apples added 8-8-98 Original Author Unknown
(Both hands high) Ten red apples grow on a tree
(Dangle one hand and then the other) Five for you and five for me.
(Shake body) Let us shake the tree just so
(Hands fall) And ten red apples will fall below
(Count ea. finger) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.

Ten Red Apples added 8-8-98 Original Author Unknown
Here I have five apples. (hold up five fingers on right hand)
And here are five again. (hold up both hands)
How many apples altogether?
Why, five and five make ten!

Eat An Apple added 8-8-98 Original Author Unknown
Eat an apple; (Bring right hand to mouth)
Save the core. (Close right hand in fist)
Plant the seeds. (Bend down touch hand to ground)
And grow some more. (Extend both arms out)

Apple rhyme added 8-8-98 Original Author Unknown
Apples, apples, good to eat.
Apples, apples, juicy and sweet.
Pick them off a tree, buy them at a store,
Apples, apples, WE WANT MORE!

Five Red Apples added 8-8-98 Original Author Unknown
Five red apples in a grocery store
Bobby bought one & then there were 4
Four red apples on an apple tree
Susie ate one & then there were 3
Three red apples. What did Alice do?
Why she ate one & then there were 2
Two red apples ripening in the sun
Tommy ate one, & now there was one
One red apple & now we are done
I ate the last one & now there are none!

Red Apple added 8-8-98 Original Author Unknown
A little red apple
Hung high in a tree
I looked up at it
And it looked down at me
"Come down, please" I called
And what do you suppose
That little red apple
Dropped right on my nose!

Apple On A Stick added 8-8-98 Original Author Unknown
Apple on a stick, apple on a stick
I can lick it all day and not get sick.
Apple in a cup, apple in a cup
I can drink it all day and not fill up.
Apple in a crunch, apple in a crunch
I can eat it all day, it is so good to munch
Apple in a cake, apple in a cake
I can eat it all day with no tummy ache
Apple in a pie, apple in a pie
I can eat it all day and never cry.
Apple in a dish, apple in a dish
I can eat it all day, it's so delish!

Apple up High added 8-8-98 Original Author Unknown
Sung to: "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
Apple, apple, way up high,
I can reach you if I try.
Climb a ladder,
Hold on tight.
Pick you quickly
Take a bite.

Have you ever seen and Apple? added 8-8-98 Original Author Unknown
Sung to: "Have You Ever Seen A Lassie?"
Have you ever seen an apple, an apple, an apple,
Have you ever seen an apple, that grows on a tree?
A red one, a yellow one, a red one, a yellow one.
Have you ever seen an apple, that grows on a tree?

Have You Ever Had An Apple? added 8-8-98 Original Author Unknown
Sung to: "Have You Ever Seen A Lassie"
Have you ever had an apple, an apple, an apple?
Have you ever had an apple and heard it go 'crunch'?

Have you ever had an orange, an orange, an orange? Have you ever had an
orange and heard it go 'slurp'?

Have you ever had a banana, a banana, a banana? Have you ever had a
banana and heard it go 'mush'

Two Red Apples added 8-8-98 Original Author Unknown
Sung to: "This Old Man"
Way up high, in a tree (raise hands over head)
Two red apples smiled at me (smile)
So I shook that tree as har-r-d as I could (Pretend to shake tree)
Down came the apples, Ummm, they were good!!!! (Rub tummy)

Picking apples! added 8-8-98 Original Author Unknown
Sung to: "Frere Jacque" 
Picking apples
Picking apples
One by one
One by one

Apples added 8-8-98 Original Author Unknown
Sung to: "twinkle twinkle"

Apple, apple tree so tall,
I can hardly wait till fall!
When your apples I can pick,
Fill my basket, eat them quick.
Apple, apple tree so tall,
I can hardly wait till fall!

Apple ,apple tree so fair,
What do I see growing there!
Green and round and plump and sweet,
Soon they will be good to eat.
Apple, apple tree so fair,
What do I see growing there!

Do you know the apple man? added 8-8-98 Original Author Unknown
Sung to: "the muffin man"
Oh, do you know the apple man,
the apple man,
the apple man?
Oh, do you know the apple man
who likes to play with me?

Oh, he has a great big smile,
a great big smile,
a great big smile,
Oh, he has a great big smile
and likes to play with me.

Continue with other verses that the children make up about the apple man.

Applesauce added 8-8-98 Original Author Unknown
Sung to: "Yankee Doodle"
Peel an apple,
cut it up,
cook it in a pot.
When you taste it
you will find
it's applesauce you've got!

Look at the apple added 8-8-98 Original Author Unknown
Sung to: "the mulberry bush"
Look at the apple I have found,
so fat and rosy on the ground.
Mother will wash it and
cut it in two
half for me and half for you.

A Little Apple Seed added 3-1-99 Original Author Unknown
Sung to: "Itsy, Bitsy Spider"
Once a little apple seed was planted in the ground
Down came the raindrops, falling all around.
Out came the big sun, bright as bright could be
And that little apple seed grew to be an apple tree!

Apples Are Falling added 3-1-99 Original Author Unknown
Sung to: "Are You Sleeping?"
Apples are falling, apples are falling
From the tree, from the tree.
Pick up all the apples, pick up all the apples,
One. two, three; one, two,. three.
(Use appropriate motions for actions)

A Wiggly Worm added 8-18-99 Original Author Unknown
Sung to: "Boom! Boom! Ain't It Great to Be Crazy?"
Yum! Yum! Don't you know I love apples?
Yum! Yum! Don't you know I love apples?
Red and green and yellow, too…
Yum! Yum! Don't you know I love apples?

Verse 1
Way up high in an apple tree, I saw two eyes look at me.
I reached for an apple; it started to squirm…oops! I found a wiggly worm!

Verse 2
That wiggly worm is a friend of mine. We eat apples all the time.
I let him crawl back to that tree… hey! I see that worm looking at me!


Apple added 8-19-02 Original Author Unknown
Sung to: "Bingo"

I know a fruit that grows on trees,
An apple is its name, oh!

A. P. P. L. E.
A. P. P. L. E.
A. P. P. L. E.
An apple is its name, oh!

In summer and in early fall
It's time to pick an apple!

It may be sweet or may be tart,
It's red, or green, or yellow!

A McIntosh or Granny Smith,
A Winesap or Delicious!

Make applesauce or apple juice
Or apple pie with apples!

Apple Was Its Name-O added 5-13-03 Original Author Unknown
Sung to: "Bingo"
I know a fruit that's good to eat and apple was it's name O!
A-P-P-L-E! A-P-P-L-E! A-P-P-L-E! And apple was it's name-O!
I know a fruit that's good to eat and apple was it's name O!
Crunch-P-P-L-E! Crunch-P-P-L-E! Crunch-P-P-L-E And apple was it's name-O! (etc, etc, etc.)

Apple Fingerplay added 9-2-03 Original Author Unknown

Five little apples lying on the floor.
I'll roll one away, and that leaves four.
(make rolling motion with arms)

Four little apples hanging on a tree.
I'll pick one off, and that leaves three.
(pick an imaginary apple)

Three little apples, I know what to do!
I'll put one in my pocket, and that leaves two.
(pretend to put apple in pocket)

Two little apples sitting in the sun.
I'll pick one up, and that leaves one.
(pretend to pick apple up off the floor)

One little apple waiting in my lunch.
I'll eat it up with a crunch, crunch, crunch!
(pretend to take a big bite!)

Check out this website for more songs and fingerplays

Apples and Bananas
Aiken Drum
Tarzan of the Apes
On top of Old Spaghetti
Old Sock Stew (Jim Gill)
Witch’s Brew
Peanut, Peanut Butter….Jelly
If all of the Raindrops were Lemon Drops
5 Little Donuts in the Bakery Shop
5Little Hot Dogs
Flipping the Pancakes

Hot Cross Buns

List of Utensils



  • Measuring Cups and spoons
  • Bowls
  • Spoons both metal and wooden 
  • Rolling pins
  • Can openers
  • Whisk
  • Timers
  • Knives
  • Colander
  • Cookie Sheets
  • Paper Plates (Instead of cutting boards)



1.  Caterpillars
2.  Potato Pancakes
3.  Fruit Turnovers
4.  English Smacks (Pirate Gold)
5.  Pigs in a Blanket
6.  Pizza
7.  No Knead Crusty Bread
8.  Butter
9.  Flour Tortillas
10. Salsa *
11. Quesadillas
12. Trail Mix (Can be made *)
13. Strawberry Pies
14. Pasta Salad *
15. Hairy Dogs
16. Corn Tortillas *
17. Rice Pudding *
18. Waffle Iron Cookies
19. Pumpkin Pudding *

*Gluten Free 


Refrigerator biscuits

1. Separate biscuits into small pieces.
2. Roll pieces into balls and stick together
in a line.
3. Follow package directions to bake.

 Potato Pancakes

5-6 potatoes
1 onion
1 egg
¼ -1 cup all-purpose flour

1.   Wash and peel potatoes.
2.   Grate one potato onto paper towels.
Squeeze water out of potatoes.
Place potato in bowl.
Repeat with remaining potatoes.
3.   Grate onion into bowl with potatoes.
4.   Mix egg with potatoes and onion.
5.   Add flour until the mixture is thick
Enough to form pancakes with your hands.
6.   Fry in hot oil until golden brown.
7.   Cool on paper towels.
8.   Sprinkle with salt.
9.   Can be reheated in oven.

Fruit Turnovers

Crescent rolls
Fruit (canned or fresh)
   Peaches, apples, cherries, etc.

1.   Separate crescent rolls into triangles.
2.   Place 1 to 2 slices of fruit inside,
Sprinkle with cinnamon.  Roll or pinch
Dough around the fruit.
3.   Bake according to crescent roll directions.

English Smacks
(Or Pirate Gold)

Tempura batter

1.   Wash and peel potatoes.
2.   Slice potatoes very thin (1/8 inch).
3.   Mix tempura batter according to
Directions on package, use a little less
Water so batter is a little thicker.
4.   Dip potato slices into the batter.
5.   Fry in oil until golden brown.
6.   Dry on paper towels.
7.   Sprinkle with salt.

Pigs in a Blanket

Crescent rolls
Hot dogs

1.   Separate crescent rolls into triangles.
2.   Place hot dog at large end of triangle.
3.   Roll hot dog and crescent roll together.
4.   Bake according to package directions.
5.   Serve with mustard or ketchup.


English muffins
Pizza sauce
Toppings – pepperoni, pineapple
       Whatever you like

1.   Separate English muffins in half.
2.   Spread pizza sauce on muffin.
3.   Place toppings and cheese on top.
4.   Bake in oven until cheese has melted
And is starting to brown.

No Knead Crusty Bread

3 cup flour (white or whole wheat)
1 ¾ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon yeast
1 ½ cup and 2 tablespoon water

1.   Stir all ingredients in a bowl.
2.   Cover the bowl with a lid or
Plastic wrap, and let sit
12 to 24 hours.
3.   Place in a 9 x9 or 9 x 13 baking
Dish and cover with foil.
4.   Bake at 375 for 40-50 minutes.
5.   Should be heavy and moist with a
Crisp crust. Tastes excellent
With fresh butter.


Empty, sealing jar
Clean marbles
Heavy or regular whipping cream

1.   Fill jar with cream, about 2/3 full;
Add marbles and close lid tight.
2.   Shake until lump of butter has
Formed in the jar.
3.   Pour the liquid out.
4.   Serve as you would normal
Butter, salt to taste.

 Flour Tortillas

8 cups flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tbsp. salt
1 cup shortening
2 ¾ cup hot tap water (as hot as it gets)

       1. Mix flour, baking powder, salt.
       2. Add shortening to flour mixture
                With hands.
4.   When all mixed, add hot water.
Fold into mix, DO NOT over mix.
It should be soft and a little sticky
And be able to pull away from bowl.
5.   Shape into dough balls and cover
Lightly with shortening to prevent
6.   Lightly flour a counter and roll
Out with rolling pin as flat as you like.
7.   Bake on a griddle (high) or a frying
Pan (medium high) turning every few
Seconds until golden brown and
Bubbles form.
8.   Top with honey, butter, or other toppings.


1 8 oz. can petite diced tomatoes
1 14.5 oz. can diced tomatoes with
        Lime juice and cilantro
1 medium yellow onion
½ green pepper
2 tablespoons fancy green diced
        Chiles (from a small can)
1/3 lemon, just the juice
Salt to taste

1.   Place all ingredients into a blender.
2.   Pulse until all chopped and mixed.


Shredded cheese, cheddar or mozzarella
Tortillas any size

1.   Heat up a griddle or fry pan.
2.   Place one tortilla on to heat up.
3.   Sprinkle cheese on tortilla.
4.   Place another tortilla on top of cheese.
5.   Flip tortilla over to brown on both sides.
6.   Cut or leave whole.

Trail Mix

Animal crackers
Gold fish

1.   Mix all ingredients in bowl.

Add others ingredients that you would like, such as:

Fruit snacks
Teddy grahams
Chocolate chips

Strawberry Pies

¼ cup strawberry yogurt
¼ cup cool whip
2-3 strawberries (optional)
Small graham cracker pie crusts

1.   Cut 1 or 2 strawberries into small
Pieces. (Save one for top).
2.   Mix cut strawberries, yogurt, cool whip
3.   Spoon mixture into graham cracker
Pie crusts.
4.   Slice remaining strawberry and
Place on top.
5.   Chill in refrigerator until eaten.

Pasta Salad
1 bag or box tri colored pasta
Cheddar cheese cubed
20 slices Pepperoni cut in 1/4
½ small bottle slice Manzilla green olives
1 green pepper
10 baby carrots sliced
1 Large bottle of Zesty Italian Dressing***

1.    Cook pasta according to directions
On the bag.
2.    Drain pasta and place in large zip bag.
3.    Cut green pepper, and tomatoes into small
4.    Cut pepperoni slices into quarters.
5.    Mix all ingredients into bag with pasta.
6.    Pour ¾ bottle of Italian(or make your own) dressing into bag.
7.    Close bag and mix ingredients by massaging
Bag so all parts have dressing.
Add more dressing if needed.
8.    Chill in refrigerator for 4-6 hours.
***Make your own dressing—
1 bottle of Brianna’s Blush Wine Vinaigrette
¼ tsp basil
¼ tsp ground oregano
¼ tsp ground thyme
1 tsp Maille Dijon mustard

Whisk together, pour in bag. Step #6. Add any vegetables you wish (celery, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, etc.)

Hairy Dog

Hot dogs

1.   Push dry spaghetti into uncooked
Hot dogs.
2.   Boil hot dogs in water on stove top.
10 minutes or until the spaghetti
Has cooked.

Gluten-Free Soft Corn Tortillas

1 ½ cups Mexican masa harina, (MASECA bran is gluten-free)
1 ¼ cups warm water
½ teaspoon salt

In a mixing bowl, combine the harina, water, and salt well to form a firm but pliable dough. If it’s too crumbly, stream in a little more water; if too moist, sift in a tiny bit more harina. Knead the dough for 2 to 3 minutes, until smooth. Divide the dough into twelve equal portions and roll into balls. Cover with a damp, clean kitchen towel to keep moist. Heat a castiron skillet or griddle (avoid using nonstick) over medium high heat. Do not oil the skillet. The pan is ready when a few drops of water flicked onto its surface sizzle rapidly.

 If you’re using a tortilla press: Line the press with a single long piece of plastic wrap or waxed paper folded in half. Place a ball of dough in the center of the plastic wrap, squish down the dough, and bring down the lever to lock it in place. Alternatively, if you do not have a press, you can use two pieces of plastic wrap or waxed paper and a rolling pin. Place a ball of tortilla dough between the plastic and roll very thinly, less than 1/8 inch, turning the tortilla around a few times to get an even thickness.

Now that your tortilla dough is flat, gently peel off the top layer of plastic. Flip the tortilla onto your hand, remove the second sheet of plastic, and place the tortilla in the pan. Cook on each side for 30 to 40 seconds, or until the surface of tortilla looks dry and feels mostly firm, not too doughy, when pressed. Take care not to overcook, to avoid hard, dry tortillas. Flip the hot, freshly cooked tortilla into a folded clean kitchen towel and cover completely with the towel to keep in the heat and steam. Continue to cook the rest of the dough and to stack and cover the tortillas.
Serve the hot tortillas immediately. As the tortillas start to cool, they will stiffen and become more likely to crack if folded, so keep them wrapped in a clean cloth napkin or in a covered container, taking out only as many tortillas as you’re going to eat. 

Store tightly wrapped or covered in the fridge. Tortillas reheat perfectly in a microwave; just wrap in a damp paper towel and heat on high for 15 to 20 seconds, until hot and pliable. 

Read more at © Carla's Gluten Free Recipe Box

Rice Pudding

3 to 4 cups of rice
1 box vanilla instant pudding

Prepare rice as directed on package one to two days in advance.  Refrigate.  Prepare instant vanilla pudding as directed on the package.  Add the rice and raisins.  Sprinkle top with cinnamon.

Waffle Iron Cookies

1 cup pumpkin
1 cup apple juice concentrate
2 eggs
½ cup canola oil
¼ cup molasses
1 tsp vanilla
½ tsp salt
¾ tsp nutmeg
¼ tsp ginger
2 cups flour
¼ cup wheat germ
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda

Mix and drop by spoonfuls on waffle iron.  Bake on medium setting for about 1 ½ minutes (add more juice if batter is too thick).

Pumpkin Pudding

Small can of Libby’s pumpkin
1 large box of instant vanilla pudding

Mix instant vanilla pudding as directed on box.  Add 1 to 2 large scoops of pumpkin. Whisk together.  Add more pumpkin to desired taste.